QuickSEALSanitary is a specially formulated hand kneadable two-part epoxy compound that’s perfect for gaps and leakages. It blends into a soft mixture with modelling clay like consistency for ease of application, and sets at room temperature.
Area of Usage:
QuickSEALSanitary is specially used for electrical insulation, sanitary fitting joints, gap filling applications in wash basin, aluminium sliding windows, channels and chipped concrete. In households – to close ant/cockroach holes, repairing and sealing leakages in tanks, taps, etc.
Features & Benefits:
- Easy to use – modelling clay like consistency.
- Safe on hands.
- Offers resistance to moisture, water, heat, fungus, mild acids and alkali.
- Offers excellent electrical insulation.
- Repairs permanently, and remains crack free after hardening and ageing.
- Exhibits superior strength.
- Smooth finish.
- Can be shaped to any configuration.
- Once set, can be shaped, drilled, filed, sanded, painted upon so as to suit the type of surface applied on.
- Long Shelf-Life of 12 months from the date of manufacturing.
Product Code | Size | Description | Box Quantity | Shipper Quantity | Dimensions (in mm) |
QSS001 | 50g | QUICKSEAL SAN EPOXYPUTTY (J24) | 24 | 216 | 20.3 x 18 x 7 |